


Common camas is a perennial herb that arises from a deep, egg-shaped bulb. Its leaves are numerous and basal; they resemble grass. The flowers are usually pale to deep blue but can be white; 5 or more flowers occur in a terminal spike. The flowering stalks are taller than the leaves. The fruit of common camas is an egg-shaped capsule with a stalk that curves inwards toward the stem.
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Devil’s Club

Devil’s Club

Devil’s club is a tall deciduous shrub that can grow up to 3 meters tall. The stems of the shrub are thick and have yellow spines on them. The flowers are umbels of greenish-white flowers, and the fruits are bright red berries. It grows in the Pacific Coast of North America and in some areas in the Asian continent.
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Salal is a creepy to erect shrub native to North America. Salal grows from 0.2 to 3 meters tall. It is an evergreen plant with leathery leaves. The fruits are purple-black berries.
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Bracken Fern

Bracken Fern

A large fern that is commonly more than 150cm tall. The rhizomes, or underground stems, of the fern are thick and round with a black outside and white glutinous inside. The fronds are tall and smooth, with light green stems and are triangular in shape.
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Nodding Onion

Nodding Onion

Wild onions, with the nodding onion as no exception, are herbaceous perennials with a distinct onion odour. The leaves are grass-like with tapered, pink-coated, clustered bulbs. The leaves remain green during flowering however, and flower stems have the characteristic of a nodding flower head.
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Labrador Tea

Labrador Tea

A bush that starts out quite straggly and grows to be a dense 50-200cm tall plant. The flowers are white and in dense clusters with brown woody seed capsules.
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Oregon Grape

Oregon Grape

A low growing shrub with leathery holly-like leaves. Bright yellow flowers with round berries that are a dark blue.
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Sitka Valerian

Sitka Valerian

This perennial herb grows stems from a stout rhizome with fibrous roots. Short hairy leaves grow in sets of pairs on opposite sides of the stem. Flowers are white or pink and grow in a flat-topped cluster. Height: 30-120 cm tall.
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Trailing Blackberry

Trailing Blackberry

The trailing blackberry has prickly branches, characteristically narrow and white flower petals, and dark purple to black edible fruits that can be up to 2cm in size.
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Pearly Everlasting

Pearly Everlasting

Pearly Everlasting grows up to 2 feet high, and typically has unbranched, silvery green stems with lance-shaped leaves. It has dense white flowers petals surrounding a small yellow head in the center.
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